Projects and Partners
With freesia innovation e.U. as your partner, you benefit from a wealth of experience in European projects. We provide you with experts and specialists from our international network of organisations from the academic, public, private and third sectors.
- (2024-2026): „Education for Standardisation in the EU“: „Education for Standardisation in the EU“: This Horizon Europe project deals with the training of European experts for international standardisation. It is coordinated by Fraunhofer ISI with a European consortium of universities, SMEs and associations from 11 European countries. freesia innovation e.U./Robert Link contributes to the identification of learning objectives, the evaluation of pilot lessons and the exploitation and sustainability of the project results. Funded by the European Union Grant Agreement no. 101135705.
- ETAPAS (2020-2023): „Ethical Technology Adoption in Public Administration Services“: This research project funded by Horizon2020 was coordinated by the Italian Ministry of Finance. ETAPAS researched the impact of new technologies such as artificial intelligence on the public sector and in particular on its employees. Partners are universities, companies and public authorities from 7 countries. Robert Link supported the project acquisition for the University of Graz and the application process. Funded by the European Union Grant agreement ID: 101004594.
- SOTER (2019-2022): „cyberSecurity Optimization and Training for Enhanced Resilience in finance“: This innovation project from the Horizon2020 programme, coordinated by NTTDATA Spain and 12 European partners, dealt with the training of employees in the financial sector on cybersecurity. Robert Link supported the project partner University of Graz with project acquisition, application and project implementation in the first year of the project. Funded by the European Union Grant agreement 833923.
- CODEMAL (2019-2022): „Cooperation Development among Mediators and Lawyers“: This project, funded by the JUSTICE programme of the European Union, dealt with the promotion of cooperation between mediators and lawyers in the resolution of cross-border conflicts in family law. It was coordinated by the University of Turiba from Latvia: partners were the University of Graz, the Mykolas Romeris University of Lithuania and the University of Genoa. Robert Link supported the project acquisition and project management at the University of Graz.
- VERDI (2018-2021) „Vertrauen in Digitalisierung am Beispiel von Systemen zum (teil)autonomen Fahren und Fahrassistenzsystemen“. This project was funded by the Future Fund of the Province of Styria/Austria. It was led by the University of Graz with the Virtual Vehicle Centre Graz and with the support of AVL. In terms of content, the aim was to create a catalogue of criteria for trustworthiness in the field of automated driving. Robert Link provided support with project acquisition, application and implementation.
- (2017-2018): „TRUst-Enhancing certified Solutions for SEcurity and protection of Citizens’ rights in digital Europe“ was a Coordination Action under Horizon2020 and was coordinated by Digital Catapult from the UK. It focussed on solutions for certifying the trustworthiness of digital products and services. Robert Link supported the University of Graz in project acquisition, application and implementation.
- OSMP (2016-2019) Online Study Platform on Mediation“ was an EU project in the ERASMUS+ funding programme to create a platform for studying mediation on the basis of exemplary conflict cases in business, family and neighbourhood. It was coordinated by the University of Turiba, Latvia. Robert Link supported the University of Graz in project acquisition, application and implementation.
- DESCnet (2015-2017): „Developing European Studies in the Caucasus“: This EU project in the ERASMUS+ funding programme was coordinated by the University of Tartu in Estonia with the University of Graz and universities from Georgia, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia. It included the planning and implementation of seminars for young researchers, a series of summer and winter schools in the eastern neighbourhood and the founding of an „Association of European Studies for the Caucasus“ in Georgia. Robert Link supported the University of Graz in project acquisition, planning and application as well as in implementation as a project manager and lecturer for early career researchers. Project Reference: 565086-EPP-1-2015-1-EE-EPPJMO-NETWORK.